July 13, 2011


Well, just so you know I too was dismayed at the lenght of the grass surrounding the dog park, as well as the length inside the fence too. I had asked again several weeks back about having it cut, but was bumped to another staff member.

I decided to wait a little while to see if something would happen, and when I had finally decided to give up- lo and behold the grass was cut. That isn't to say I don't think it still looks dishevelled and abandoned but at least I can see the balls when Frida doesn't bring them back.

I am still waiting to hear about other park items like a notice board or wood chips for the wet days. Hopefully they call me before I finally give up and start call up the chain to get a reaction.

I would like to remind everyone about cigarette butts. Please do not throw them onto the very dry, long grass outside the fencing- I am afraid it will catch. And please do not drop them in the park- some of our furry friends don't have enough sense to not eat them.

Till next time,
  Enjoy the heat!

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