June 3, 2010

Fencing is coming

I love the personal touch some of our park users have added. A bench under the only shade tree, a gate at the street side, and a 'Welcome' sign at the side. It really speaks to the good people and dogs who are enjoying the space.

In a recent conversation with the City I was told that fencing is coming. I am not sure what kind or how much exactly, but it is on its way. I was also assured that the City will supply us with proper benches and gating (not that the home made ones have not been well appreciated).

I was hoping for some feed back on other things we could add to make it more welcoming. The idea of some agility equipment and maybe a watering trough (preferably a facet) has been mentioned. Although the City will supply some things, we will need to have a fund raiser to add other items.

Please drop me an email or send me a note about ideas for the park and options for fund raising. I would love to hear your ideas. Maybe a summer meet and greet at the park for members - and others - with sponsorship from local pet stores and maybe a major supplier? Anyone have a connection?
and have a safe and happy summer.

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