April 20, 2009

What is Happening....

Since we have started to grow I thought it wise to contact the city about starting the process of designating a Leash-Free space. I spoke to a gentleman in the department who deals with off-leash parks and the processing of applications. He was tremendously helpful. I will try to explain all of the questions he was able to answer for us.

Q. ) Is the off-leash area at Don Russell due to close?
Ans.) At this point there are no plans to close Don Russell Off-leash area, but due to the construction and the exchange of lands- there will be some reassessment and possible fencing of the area in the future.

Q.) Has there ever been an application for an off-leash area in Colonel Sam Smith area?
Ans.) None officially since 2007, however there may have been casual enquiries in the past that were never pursued or discouraged due to low possibility of success.

Q.) What are the features or red flags the City looks for when processing an off-leash application.
Ans.) The City likes to see an area with good access to parking and amenities. Areas environmentally sensitive or designated as a nature reserve have a poor chance of a successful application.

Q.) What about areas like the Water Lands? Do we include them in a city application? What are the prospects of success?
Ans.) Water Lands -like those at RL Clark- have in the past been made into Off-leash areas. When creating an application include any and all lands in an area that are prospective Leash Free areas, and the Department will sort out any issues or problems with each area, that is part of the process.

Q.) How long does a normal application take to process?
Ans.) A simple process with no complications can take approximately 4 months.

So that means we should get started soon. The next step, an official meeting.
See you there!

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