March 5, 2009

We need more members!

These are early days, and we are happy to have a growing membership. But we need more members. According to the rules of the City of Toronto, an active Dog Owners Association is required to make the application to City Hall. "City Policy (1) Dog owners interested in establishing a leash free area in a City Park must establish a local dog-owner association.)"

It is not enough to agree, you have to get involved. And wouldn't it be great to have a collective of other dog owners and dog lovers so we can not only get the much needed Leash Free park, but also so we can have doggie events, and maybe even some sort of doggie sponsorship. The potential is great and totally unharnessed (forgive the pun).

So sign up your neighbours and friends. Encourage other dog owners to sign on. But we need everyone to become an official member. Your support, although welcome is just not enough!

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